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⋆ Your Information
We will not provide your personal information to third parties without your consent. Your personal information will only be used to operate the website and server. We store your IP address and other information, such as PayPal, if necessary. If you do not wish for this information to be stored, please contact us via our Discord, and we will delete your account and/or information. We store every IP address to IP ban players or track purchases if necessary.
⋆ Purchases on The Universe
Purchases cannot be reversed. Once something is purchased, it is final. A rank and/or other form of reward can be removed if we deem it necessary without offering a refund. We reserve the right to modify or completely remove items and ranks. If there is a ban from the server for a certain period of time, it is not possible to receive compensation. Purchased items remain your property, even with a permanent ban from the server. After purchase, it is not possible to undo payment.
⋆ Use of Our Services
We are not liable for the content of the services we provide. If you have problems with the setup of our services (Discord, Minecraft, Website), please contact us via our Discord. If there is evidence of fraudulent behavior, we reserve the right to deny access to all our services without any compensation. If there are costs incurred as a result of your actions, you will be held responsible.
⋆ Package Changes
We reserve the right, with or without notice, to change any rank prices. We also reserve the right to modify the content of a specific rank. The benefits of a specific rank may change, and you have no right to the old rank benefits if we change them. You can be sure that no rank benefit or any other item in the store will be changed without a valid, server-balancing reason.
⋆ Legal Action
You agree to indemnify the staff, owners, hosts, advertisers, officers, directors, employees, partners, and all other parties related to the staff of these servers. By agreeing to these terms, you agree not to bring any legal action or other legal challenge against the server staff for any reason, whether related to your purchase or not.
⋆ Services
You understand and agree that your use of this website and any provided services or content is made available and delivered to you at your own risk. It is offered as-is, and we expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You understand and agree that neither we nor any participant in the service provides any professional advice of any kind, and that the use of such advice or other information is solely at your own risk and without any liability on our part. In some jurisdictions, disclaimers of implied warranties may not be permitted, and the above disclaimer may not apply to you solely with respect to implied warranties.
⋆ Non-Tangible Loss
You understand and expressly agree that we are not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages) arising out of or resulting from the use of our services.
⋆ Scope of the Package
The use of or inability to use the service, the cost of obtaining substitute goods and/or services resulting from any transaction entered into through the service, unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, statements or conduct of any third party on the service, or any other matter relating to the service. Please note that by accepting the terms in the document, you are also waiving your right to take any action, legal or otherwise, against anyone or anything related to the staff, management, administrators, members, owners, or hosts of this server. You further acknowledge that if any part of this document is deemed invalid or unenforceable in any way, all parts that are not deemed invalid or unenforceable will be deemed fully valid and binding.
⋆ Policy
All terms and conditions are in effect indefinitely once the contract is accepted and will remain active even after you stop, are banned, removed or if you leave the server in any way. Refund Policy: All purchases are final, you cannot receive money back or credit by any means necessary to receive your paid money back. Furthermore, we reserve the right to disallow further play on the server/forums and disallow additional money to be added or removed. We reserve the right to take legal or collection action as necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced chargeback.
We are not afiliated with Mojang, AB.